How can you help poor people in the church today in Africa?
Daniel Dju co
2006-08-20 10:57:23 UTC
there are many people that need help from rich people in the wotld today .Some are fogotten and suffering a lot.
Onze respostas:
Cler Oliveira
2006-08-20 11:41:09 UTC
Ast to Bono (U2). I'm taliking seriously... He must have all answer to do what he does... He tries and everybody will follow him!
2006-08-22 07:06:56 UTC
querido, isso é uma preocupação mundial e não relacionado somente a igreja. Não é a igreja q vai acabar com a fome e pobreza, são os governantes.
2006-08-20 20:27:18 UTC
hey asshole go **** yourself...
2006-08-20 18:20:50 UTC
Cara, voce esqueceu Portugues?
There are people that need help, in all parts of the World, not just Africa.
Leave church and religion out of the problem, because religions are, in a few cases, the reason for a few problems and hunger and not only in Africa. Yes, many people are forgotten, so why don't you look at your neighbour and see if they need your help?
2006-08-20 18:05:43 UTC
Esse aki é o Y!R nacional, pqp. "RICH PEOPLE"? Id rather aid poor people in BRAZIL first, being in church OR NOT.
2006-08-20 18:04:18 UTC
Go ask themselves...this "crying" for help is just a way to fool people. Enough for using the word "church" to help others; especially in africa...there are many people in each country in need of greater help...where did you get this trick??
2006-08-20 18:07:51 UTC
It would very like to help the African people, however I fear that the current public politics do not intend to finish with the hunger and yes, to have it as exchange currency.
2006-08-20 18:07:43 UTC
I just cannot. What will I do to help them there? They're so far from here. Our president can, but if he does nothing, what may we do?
2006-08-20 18:03:31 UTC
Don`t worry, we know that. But everybody has to do something, not 1 or 2 people.
2006-08-20 18:02:33 UTC
com muito amor e dedicação
Eduardo Campos
2006-08-20 18:10:57 UTC
I did not understand nothing of what you he said
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